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World reacts to missing boy footage


The discovery of Anthony “AJ” Elfalak has gone global after footage of the moment the missing boy was spotted made it to the UK and US. The discovery of three-year-old Anthony “AJ” Elfalak has gone global after footage of the moment police spotted the missing boy made it to the UK and the US.

The little boy was recovering in a hospital in the NSW Hunter Valley overnight after being found safe and well three days after disappearing. “We prayed this morning, and my wife just came back from the monastery and prayed, and look what happened, it’s a miracle,” AJ’s father, Anthony, said after the rescue.

The BBC featured the news of the discovery with the headline, Australian boy, 3, rescued after days lost in the bush, quoting AJ’s father, Anthony, describing the discovery as a “miracle”. He also revealed his son had “some nappy rash and some ant bites”, but “he’s alive”. Sky News UK also posted the incredible footage, while the Evening Standard described AJ as missing in the “New South Wales region”.


Meanwhile, a section of the UK’s National Police Air Service praised NSW police “from South Wales, the UK to New South Wales, AU”. In the US, the story on ABC News, a 3-year-old boy found lost in Australian woods after three days, was a “top highlight”. The New Zealand Herald also covered the discovery. The three-year-old disappeared last Friday from the family property near Singleton in the NSW Hunter Region. He is autistic and non-verbal.

An extensive search of the family’s 650-acre property at Putty lasted almost 72 hours and included police, emergency services, and volunteers when the miraculous discovery was made. Dramatic vision from a police helicopter revealed the moment the missing boy was spotted, showing the boy covered in mud and cupping water from the creek.

An officer onboard the chopper can say, “I’ve got the boy,” before coordinating with those on the ground. The BBC’s China correspondent Stephen McDonell tweeted the “pretty amazing” footage by the NSW Police, describing AJ as a “little legend”. “They have him on a whopping long lens. He doesn’t seem to know he’s been found,” McDonell said.

Meanwhile, the BBC’s Kasia Madera told viewers Australia was “gripped” by the rescue and said the moment was indeed a “miracle”. In a statement, AJ’s family said, “Our family is together again,” and AJ is “fine”. “For that, we are grateful to everyone who has assisted in any way over the last three days,” they said. “Thank you to the NSW Police, Rescue Services, volunteers, community members, friends, and family who have worked tirelessly to find AJ.

“AJ is fine. Hold your kids close. “Please give our family the privacy to appreciate what we have.” Superintendent Tracy Chapman from the Hunter Valley Police District said what happened to the boy during the three days he was missing would remain under investigation. “Certainly, what occurred during those three days (is under investigation), and I know everyone has many questions,” she said.

ABC reporter Jake Lapham, who was at the scene as the discovery occurred, said family members “sprinted through bushland” after realizing AJ was alive. “They stopped their cars and sprinted through this bushland looking for AJ, and finally found some police officers that were comforting him,” Lapham said.

“They were told not only was AJ alive, but he was alive and well. “It was an incredible moment; the joy was incredible; they were just rolling around on the ground, hugging, embracing. “The relief must have been amazing.” NSW Ambulance’s Gerry Pyke said AJ had some lacerations to his lower legs and nappy rash, but his spirits “picked up” once he got a cuddle from his mum and dad.

“He was slipping (into sleep) the whole time, which (is) not surprising; once he woke up, all he wanted to do was eat,” Mr. Pyke said. “He got stuck into about three slices of pizza and a banana, so he is pretty good.” NewsWire’s Erin.


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